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1954                - Rachel Rosenblit was born in Tivon, Israel.

1972                - Reali high school, Haifa.

1972 - 75        - B.A. creative arts and world literature, Haifa University.

1975 - 77        - Teacher training (art) in the department of education, Haifa University.

1977 - 79        - M.A. studies, department of education, Haifa University, curricula, methodology and teacher


1982 - 84        - PhD studies, department of education, teaching of science, Technion, Haifa.

1984 - 87        - Freelance journalism for the Hebrew press, while living in South Africa.

1988 - 92        - Establishment and development of a company in South Africa as an international coach.

1994 - 95        - Doctoral research in behavior sciences, University of Newport, U.S.A.

1995 - 97        - Specialization in natural medicine . (Kabala and healing- levels of the soul, (niran-



Counseling, lectures and administration:

1975 - 78        - Lecturer, art photography, Beth Biram, Reali school, Haifa.

1978 - 82        - Lecturer, art photography, book illustrations in children's literature, the verbal/

                          visual media: Wizo College, Oranim College, and Haifa University.

1982 - 84        - Lecturer/researcher: self confrontation through video and visual communication,

                          Technion, Haifa.

1984 - 87        - Publication of a series of newspaper articles about lifestyle in Johannesburg, South Africa: a

                          more profound reflection in a broad cultural context, concerning roots and traditions which offer

                          a true representation of Africa and life there (architecture and interior design journalism).

1978 - 88        - Lectures on the topic of creativity and the media, the Arab College, Haifa.

1993               - Head of the teacher training institute for teachers of art and design, Oranim College, Haifa

                          University, and lecturer of visual/verbal communication.

1994               - Head of the Beth Baba- NAAMAT community center, Kiryat Eliezer, Haifa.


G.B. Consultancy:

1988 - 1992    - Establishment and operation of the "Individual and company-wide coaching company" in

                          Johannesburg. Counseling toward innate direction, while planning and implementing hundreds

                          of important and unique projects. Participation in art and design exhibitions throughout South

                          Africa, such as: Les Art International Gallery, N. Night Gallery, Pas-Par Tout Gallery, Alternative

                          Art Gallery, Art & Frame 88 Exhibition, Benmore Gardens Gallery, Tamaru Gallery herzelia,

                          Urstin Gallery, Future Classic Centre, Vance Waldeck Galleries Platform Gallery, Art & Frame

                          Galery Pretoria, Artist Association of S.A. (monthly exhibition), Organic Village Johannesburg

                          (weekly exhibition). Articles on the projects were published in all of South Africa's papers, e.g.

                          Star; Habitat; Homes & Gardens; Fair lady publications; Planning publications; Jewish

                          Chronicle, Pretoria, and others.


For many years represented the homeopathic-natural medicine village in Brinstone which is the largest of its kind in the entire world, as a permanent coach in natural healing based on natural, orthotropic foods , unique methods of orthomolecular healing - and coaching in color, sound and shape- uritamy.

Dr. Rahel Gitai-Pizm is a member of Haifa's coaches union, teaches unique workshops in the arts of healing and creativity based on natural methods. (A catalogue of her artistic and healing works was published in 2007).

She is a specialist in homeopathic-natural Brinstone medicine under the auspice of the best companies in the world, such as Weleda/Pharma Natura, and licensed by the World Health Organization (GMP).


Diagnosis, counseling, treatment: methods of diagnosis based on the Hebrew alphabet (the Ben Yaacov method).

1997                 - Health clinic, "Yishay medical center" Central Carmel, Haifa.

2003                 - Clinic for children and adults, diagnosis, counseling and treatment of learning

                           disabilities, problems of attention span and concentration.



1982                  - Technion: Thinking the unthinkable- the story of complex numbers in

                             cooperation with Dr. Nitza Movshovitz-Hadar.

1999                  - Research books available in the NY 770 library.

                            a. Signs in letters- the secret and mystery behind the Hebrew date of birth.

2003                    b. the Healing in the upper light- the source of health according to levels of the

                            Kabala (NIRAN-HAY).

2008                    c. Healing according to the stones on the High Priest's breastplate- food,

                            homeopathic healing and holistic balance: diagnosis, counseling and treatment for learning

                            disabilities and problems of attention span and memory.

                            d. The secret of the blood.

                            e. The secret of the brain

2006                 - Medicine according to the stones on the High Priest's breastplate, in Sihot Hageula 6/06.

2007                 - Portrait of Malachi Shusler, in Mekor Rishon, 7/07.

                         - The honorable Rebbitzin, in Hed Hakrayoth 9/07.

2007 - 09          - Summer axiom, in Nature and Health 12/07.

                            A series of articles on a variety of health issues.

2008                 - Haifa radio, Suddenly you find out that., a child who is a diamond! Light!

                         - Radio Moreshet, How to treat asthma.

2009                 - A series of articles in Nature and health in the years of 2007-2008-2009 on the following topics:

                           proper eating affect homeopathic healing positively; healing powers of the stones on the High

                           Priest's breastplate; the holistic outlook in all the copies of the journal of the movement for

                           vegetarianism and naturalism 153-159


2009                - Signs and letters exhibition- awareness of Moshiah and redemption . The exhibit includes a

                           Hebrew calendar, with the months of the year written by Rabbi Y. Pizm, adapted to reflect the

                           teachings of the Rebbe.

2010                - Complete Healing: a course for health counselors and managers- science biology,

                           preventive medicine, natural nutrition, naturopathy, homeopathy. This year course is 

                           recognized for credit by the ministries of health and education for teachers, doctors, health 

                           professionals, LD clinics which offer support to parents and pupils.

2011                - A vision to establish a medical, ecological village: this village is planned as a planned center of

                           healing. It will offer long-term acute and chronic patients medical attention, with special

                           emphasis on a lifestyle conducive to assist healing.

2012                - Miracle oil: medicinal oil

                          An amazing miracle, this oil was discovered with the help of the Rebbe's writings, and contains 

                          13 different medicinal anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic herbs. The oil led a growing

                          number of people to radically change the way they want to manage their treatment, after the oil

                          succeeded in putting my husband, Rabbi Y. Pizm back on his feet in one hour, during succot,

                          2012, after a serious attack of sciatica. Orthopedist claimed that he would need months of bed

                          rest. With G-d's help I succeeded in making up the oil according to the Rebbe5s equation, and

                          discovered that in many cases it brings great relief and cure thank-G-d. The Rebbe instructed me

                          to write a book on the topic, and this book was sent to 770 in New York. The Rebbe instructed

                          me to distribute it throughout the country, baruch HaShem.

2013               - Development of the topic of the medicinal oil. The ministry of health issues a license facilitating

                          its development. The oil is manufactured by NSP.

                          Broadcast on channel 1 on the program "good health" on October 25, 2013. More than 50.000

                          listeners tuned in, hundreds called and cried. The telephone lines crashed.

                          Information about the medicinal oil: improvement and easing of physical problems and pain

                          from scores of people.


                         The torch that will light the world!


2016               - The Matnat HaBoreh Oil

                         After three years of intense study of the therapeutic oil with its thirteen medicinal herbs, we 

                         discovered that it prevents hundreds of serious ailments. The oil works synergistically in the 

                         acute stage as an immediate prophylactic and even more so in chronic conditions: menopausal

                         complications, hernias, in preventing asthma attacks, serious inflammations, and Vitiliga (white

                         spots on skin). It is helpful when the thyroid is affected, critical for pain management, especially

                         serious back pain. The oil is relieves itchy skin and the results of poison ivy, and the like.

                         The oil was tested by many experts in the field of natural and conventional medicine: Dr. Mina

                         Faran, world renowned Israeli biologist and medicinal plant expert, and David Kapach who

                         helped in its development, and other highly respected researchers, physicians, and experts of

                         world renown in the field of pharmacology and applied chemistry.

                         My grandfather was a well-known gynecologist who, during the early 1970s predicted that cancer

                         would be the number one killer, especially breast cancer, and here we are with hundreds of older

                         Jerusalem women who had refused to undergo mammography, got ill and suffered greatly.

                         However, they were treated with between four to five bottles of the oil and reported immediate

                         relief. They reported being capable of living their lives on a more balanced plain, and their

                         ability to cope with life's challenges. Many were able to return to a normal life style.

                         The oil has become the first indicator for any activities where I counselled hundreds of women to

                         use it after they heard me speak on Lev HaMedina radio before Passover, 2016. About one million

                         people were interested in finding me.

                         I now understand the importance of the oil: G-d's gift and the Rebbe of Lubavitch's gift for me

                         when I give my lectures and offer my treatments.

M +972-508743977

Haifa, Israel


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